Friday, March 21, 2008

Doggone Days

I love to make cards with an animal theme, I suppose because so many of my friends are animal lovers. There are lots of fun papers and accessories devoted to dogs and cats and I can't resist buying whatever I see. That's a habit that needs to be housebroken.

Anyway, my midnight shifts are, thankfully, behind me so I am back to card creations. Just as working and raising kids keeps one busy, I don't get how people who work are so prolific in their paper crafts output. When I'm working, I do very little other. Perhaps I need a course in work/cardmaking management. I'm sure there is one out there. To carry that further, I think I also need a course in photography because, for the life of me, I can't seem to take a good picture.

This card was made for my sister-in-law (who is mother to two basset hounds) out of some Bo Bunny pawprint paper and the die cut is one that I just happened to come across one day in a scrapbooking store I was passing by. I love the Cricut Animal Kingdom cartridge for the many dogs but it would be nice if they came out with one dedicated to specific breeds. "Happy Birthday" was cut from the Cricut "Beyond Birthdays" cartridge and the wooden paw is from the $1 store. Below the card is Moe the Basset Hound, looking all sad and droopy-eyed as they always do.

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