I finally got my new camera yesterday (Canon SX200) and I have to say I'm pretty pleased with the picture quality. I was hoping to get it before my vacation so now all I have to do is read the long and confusing manual and figure out how things work.
What a beautiful day today. The birds start singing about 4 am but I always find that sound so relaxing - kind of like sleeping when it rains. Kona has been under the weather today (I'm thinking he is getting me back for accidentally locking him out in the hallway the other morning for an hour) but he is up and eating so must be feeling better.
I finally found sometime to catch up on your blog. Hadn't seen your Easter cards. How cute were they? Loved the Butterfly card also. Of course your special 75th card is so sweet. I am sure it brought tears to your friends eyes. You put a lot of thought into your cards.
Love the Beatles shelf!
Il friend
I can't wait to see the pictures taken with your new camera. I hope Kona is over his ordeal of being left out in the hallway. Are you excited about your trip? Will you be adding stuff to your blog while you are away?
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