Sunday, August 21, 2011


I think when people do something nice for me, it's important to acknowledge that something. Does anyone but me (and my friend, Sandra) even send cards or notes by mail any more or has it all gone electronic? That just seems so impersonal.....I'm just saying.

I got this pretty Pebbles paper the other day so was excited to try it out. I didn't add much because I have to send the card through the post and they sometimes don't travel well if they are too embellished. Anyway, the sentiment is there and I think it's bright enough paper that it stands on its own.

I had a lovely day today, celebrating a family birthday. Everyone is always so busy that's it nice when we can all slow down for a few hours and just be together. Unfortunately, the weather was not the most cooperative; one minute the sky would be tornado-like and the next minute bright and sunny. I'm hoping we can squeeze a few more weeks out of summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a unique card!!!! Absolutely wonderful and with such creativity! The summer break reknwed your imagination!

Illinois Friend